Monday, January 31, 2011

Lady Bug Pinata

Fun, Fun - Not a Yummer but it did inspire the rest of the Party.
This was a "no smash" version, it's cleaner and the birthday girl got to keep it. I've also re-used this style for multiple parties!

Lady Bug cake

Update 2011.02.04 - better pictures

 The bottom tier was vanilla cake (white and pink) with buttercream icing, Nice and simple so the birthday girl could have some. The top was chocolate cake with chocolate chip butter cream in the middle. The lady bug centers co-ordinate with the cake pops along with the chocolate leaves. The ladybug piñata tied the theme all together and it all looked so sweet at the party with all the lime green and pinks.

Lady Bug cake pops

These sweet little bugs were vanilla cake pops covered in pink chocolate with fondant heads and antennas. Transport to the party was tricky as it was -30 C and the chocolate leaves and antennas were soooo fragile. These were inspired and modeled after the piñata. So much fun to co-ordinate it all. It's so nice to attend the party too and see how it all comes together. Better pictures to come--- maybe without plugs :))